Monday, 8 April 2013

8 Tips For Getting More Customers Through Easy Networking:


Networking is one of the best ways to meet people in a non-selling environment. 
Don’t try to sell to them. It is what we call a “meet and greet”. This is where you talk ABOUT THEM and their business.

Just be your friendly self and relax. Have fun and get to know the people you are with.
In your networking rounds if you find someone that you think can benefit from your product or service then by all means ask for their business card. 

One thing I find most networking people don’t do is to ask the potential client if it is OK to call them about doing business. If you do, then you have set an expectation in their mind that they will hear from you in the near future.
Here are a few things you can do when you are networking:

1. Set aside a time each week to go networking. Pick specific meetings and events that you think your typical clientele will be attending. Make this a regular part of your business schedule. When you have met people a few times and your face becomes familiar time you will show more credibility and be able to interconnect with a larger group of potential clients.

2. If you are new to networking then an easy way to start is the local Chamber of Commerce. You can be an invited guest so that you can see if this is the right crowd for your product or service before you commit to any fees. Some Chambers are very strong and require a heavy involvement and some are more relaxed. This will give you a chance to check them out. In addition the Chambers are usually looking for speakers so dust off your microphone and provide the members with some great business subject matter in an entertaining way and you increase the chance of gaining new clients.

3. Understand why you are at the event – you want to build a relationship – not for a hard sell. Don’t rush. Your goal is to get the OTHER person’s business card. Of course if they ask you for yours, give it to them!

4. By focusing your attention on THEM you will learn what makes this person tick.. over time you will develop your questions to the point where you will know within 5 minutes if your efforts will bare fruit.

5. You should make at least a mental note of something significant your subject has said and later jot is down on their business card. This could be an upcoming event, birthday, graduation etc.. now you have an icebreaker for the next time.

6. You will find that very few people will network in the way we are discussing here. When asked give your best “30 second commercial” but stop after that. You’re there to gather information and to meet people. Do not try to focus on selling.

7. People love people who are interested in them. Your goal in getting more customers is to ask questions and then listen. Get people engaged in conversation, build rapport and determine quickly if they are in your target market.

8. Offer a referral. The best way to start a relationship is by giving someone something. What I mean is that you can offer referrals to your new friend and in turn help out a business associate and in turn… you see what I am saying. By this behaviour! you create the expectation that they will give you a reciprocal referral. But not always. There are givers and takers in this world, as you know.

Networking is a great way to build long lasting relationships. Remember people do business with people they like. You network every day of the week, sometimes you just don’t see it. Believe it or not you are networking even when you are at the supermarket.

I challenge you to meet one new person everyday of the week and by the end of the month you would have met and talked to 28 – 31 new prospective clients!

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